Sunday, September 13, 2009


I decided to run an advertising spot in the local paper, advertising 50 cents off a cup of coffee. This both rases awareness of Chandler's existance and gives people an incentive to come by the shop--a discount. In the advertisement the logo of the cafe and the discount are labelled, as well as a limit to the coupon. This advertisement cost $1,400 to run for the week, as did 5 spots on the radio per day for the week, so advertising in total was $2,800 for the week. This cost, however, is a necessary one since we are such a new company needing to get awareness of our grand opening out to the public so we can have a profitable business from day one.

1 comment:

  1. I like that the ad is simple, but it conveys all the main points (like what kind of coffee you are selling in addition to the name and the price off).
